Friday, June 12, 2020

Apples Products - Free Essay Example

Steve jobs, the founder of apple, an innovation of technology. Under Jobs guidance, the company created a series of touchscreen technologies, that include the iPhone and iPad.Who is Steve Jobs?Jobs was an American inventor/ innovator, designer, entrepreneur, founder, chief executive, and chairman of Apple. Apples products, include the iPod, iPhone and iPad, and the Macbook air (a computer). He was adopted February 24, 1955, and never met his biological parents. What persevered him? Jobs parents did not care about his education. His parents themselves didnt have a college diploma, and his dad didnt even have a high school diploma. Growing up, Steve had a hard time with school and any other type of education (due to boredom). He often was bribed to do his work. He hated school! When he got older he changed his mind, and decided to go and try out Reed college, but he hated it, so he dropped out of college after the 1st semester. He wanted to. He had a passion to make life easier for the future and he knew that he would need to put work and effort into this, so he started his innovation and he failed and failed, and kept on failing, but he kept on trying. Most people would give up, but just like steve said, There are such rough moments in time that I think most people give up. I dont blame them. Its really tough and it consumes your life. If youve got a family and youre in the early days of a company, I cant imagine how one could do it. Its pretty much an eighteen-hour day job, seven days a week, for a while. Unless you have a lot of passion about this, youre not going to survive. Youre going to give it up. So youve got to have an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right, that youre passionate about. Otherwise, youre not going to have the perseverance to stick it through. I think thats half the battle right there.Fun Fact Although Steve Jobs sounds like a nice guy, he was so rude and strict that he got fired from his own company. Then helped with Pixar, and later continued back at Apple.The hard parts in lifeSteve had a hard time in school, partly because his adoptive parents didnt care about school, along with the fact that they didnt go to school at all. He had also never met his biological parents. He had times when he knew, or at least thought he would fail, but after all the failures he had while building the business, he realized that it is alright to fail and thats what makes you a winner, just like Steve.A good man Steve Jobs was a very creative man and even though he hated to learn, he was still very smart. He wrote many famous quotes that really influence peoples lives in a good way. Although Steve was a very rude and strict guy, he was also very compassionate, like it says in the quote Being the richest man in the cemetery doesnt matter to me. Going to bed at night saying weve done something wonderful, thats what matters to me. This quote is saying that he doesnt care about getting lots and lots of money, but he does want to be able to be proud that he has been able to help other now and in the future. The end of Jobs In the year of 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, also known as pancreatic cancer. He died when he was 56 on October 5, 2011, from respiratory arrest that was partly from the tumor or cancer, but Steve surely followed his quote, hustle till you die! Remembering himOthers comments about him and how he affected people is in the link below! the state of feeling bored. Chairman: a man designated to own a meeting.Entrepreneur: a person who organizes and operates a business.pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor: these tumors originate in islet cells. His personal lifeSome of his personal, but public information includes Laurene Powell, his wife, and his three kids: Reed, Erin, and Eve.Jobs and his wife were married in the year 1991, at a Buddhist ceremony in Yosemite national park. They were married or more than 20 years. They owned a home in Woodside Calif. In college, or for the first semester of college, the singer Joan Baez and him were dating.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Which Issue of the Federalist Papers Describe the Electoral College

Which Issue of the Federalist Papers Describe the Electoral College?The constitutional question of whether the president is elected by popular vote or by electors elected by the states has been asked about the constitutionality of the three issues in the New York Federalist Papers. If the two previous presidential elections were carried out properly, and there is no reason to believe they were not, then it must be the case that the president is not elected by the people in any constitutional sense.Of course the electoral college was designed by the framers of the constitution in order to prevent a small group of states from deciding the outcome of an election. Unfortunately, this would occur frequently if only one person was elected but the state had a large number of delegates from that state. The electors would probably choose a more populous candidate so that he could have the largest number of states.One of the questions is about the composition of the electoral college. There ar e seventeen states where electors do not get to vote directly for president. They are called 'faithless electors.' Most of the time these electors are appointed at the state level by the party leaders in the state who are strongly opposed to a particular candidate.Usually they are appointed in such a way that the electors pick a member of the political party that represents them in the senate and the new consul in the Congress. So in essence the electors can be loyal to the party without being loyal to the president.These votes would still count if the person nominated by the opposition party to become president of the United States was elected. In fact there is no evidence that these electors even planned to vote for the opposition party candidate when the electors met in their respective states. However, the constitution requires that each elector to vote for the candidate that received the greatest number of votes in the election.The oath of office that these electors take states that they are bound to vote in accordance with the democratic or Republican form of government in the state in which they are members. If they do not vote according to the will of the people of the state then they are guilty of nullifying the popular vote. This is serious stuff.An argument that some are making to invalidate these votes is that if the electors do not vote according to the will of the people of the state then they are guilty of nullifying the popular vote. It is a strange argument. In most states the electors are free to vote according to their own preferences, but if they are going to be acting as a 'consulate' in the manner in which I have described above then they cannot be serving the people of the state any less than the people of the state serving the states.You can't serve two masters, much less two republics. If the electors are going to be acting like a 'consulate' then they are required to act according to the will of the people of the state in which they a re elected. The issue of presidential electors behaving like a 'consulate' is a matter of great concern.